Bright 7w 300 lumen LED Flash light torch lamp including 3 Duracell AAA batteries - customer reviews say it is AMAZING value for money on really is very bright, small and compact.
We have tested these torches ourselves and found they gave full light output for over one hour, then during the second hour it fell to about half brightness and by 6 hours was down to about one quarter light output but then stayed at this level until 24 hours had past.
We guarantee that you will agree that for this price and size this is the brightest, best value torch listed on Amazon or your money back!
Some of the images showing were sent to us by a very satisfied customer and show the to Read More »
*Why don’t we show the price of Bright 7w 300 lumen LED Flash light torch lamp including 3 Duracell AAA batteries - customer reviews say it is AMAZING value for money on really is very bright, small and compact.?
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